Personal Information
Polish – native; English – good; German – good; Russian – good; Italian – good reading and basic speaking competence;
1980 M.A., archaeology, University of Wrocław;
Thesis title: „Umocnienia obronne grodu w Witostowicach, stan. 2, z IX-XI wieku” (eng. The ramparts of the early medieval stronghold Witostowice 2 (9th-11th c.).
1987 Ph.D., Institute of the History of Material Culture, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), Warsaw;
Dissertation: “Organizacja gospodarcza państwa wczesnopiastowskiego na Śląsku w X-XII wieku w świetle źródeł archeologicznych”; (eng. The economic organisation of the Early Piast State in Silesia (10th-12th c.) in the light of archaeological sources)
2004 Dr. Habil., Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, PAS, Warsaw;
Book: “ Castrum munitissimum Bytom. Lokalny ośrodek władzy w państwie wczesnopiastowskim” (eng. Castrum munitissimum Bytom. The local power center of the Early Piast State”)
Academic Positions
1983-1988 First job as a Research Assistant at the Institute of the History of Material Culture, PAS, Warsaw.
1988-2004 - Doctor/Adiunkt, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, PAS, Warsaw;
2004-2010 - Docent, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, PAS, Warsaw;
2004-2014- Associate Professor at the University of Opole, Opole;
2010-2014 - Associate Professor, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, PAS, Warsaw;
2014-present - Full Professor at the University of Opole, Opole;
2014-present- Full Professor, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, PAS, Warsaw;
Administrative Positions
A. Offices held in Poland:
2002-present - Head of the Centre for Late Antique and Early Medieval Studies (Wrocław) of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
2004-2013 - Head of the Department of Archaeology at the University of Opole in Opole
B. Administration of international agreements:
2002-present - Coordinator of the agreement of research cooperation signed by the Inst. of Archaeology and Ethnology, PAS, and Archeologický ústav Akademie věd České republiky (Prague)
2013-2017 - Coordinator of the agreement of research cooperation signed by the Inst. of Archaeology and Ethnology, PAS, Warsaw and the Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey;
2009-2014 Coordinator of the agreement of research cooperation signed by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, PAS, Warsaw and the University of Siena, Italy;
2013-2018 - Coordinator of the agreement of research cooperation signed by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, PAS, Warsaw and the Odessa National I. Mechnikov University, Ukraine
Research Supervision
A. Supervision of research programmes:
As principal investigator:
1995-1998 Ośrodki okręgów grodowych w państwie wczesnopiastowskim – geneza, struktura, funkcje. Próba stworzenia modelu w świetle odkryć w Bytomiu Odrzańskim, woj. Zielona Góra (Strongholds as district centers in the Early Piast State – genesis, structure, functions. An attempt to creating a model in the light of archeological finds from Bytom Odrzański, Zielona Góra province)
2005-2008 - Castrum Reczen – kasztelania i siedziba biskupia? Kształtowanie się sieci ośrodków władzy piastowskiej w Polsce południowo-zachodniej w świetle badań archeologicznych (Castrum Reczen - castellany and the seat of the bishop? The development of a network of Piast power centers in south-western Poland, in the light of archaeological research)
2014 – 2018 - 0037/NPRH3/H12/82/2014 Atlas wczesnośredniowiecznych grodzisk z terenu Polski (Atlas of the early medieval strongholds from the territory of Poland)
As one of the contractors:
2012-2017 - MNiSW nr 11H 11 018680 - Past societes. Polish lands from the first evidence of human presence to the Early Middle Ages (PL – Prof. Przemysław Urbańczyk)
2014-2018- Mechanizmy budowania spójności w społecznościach wieloetnicznych, X-XXI w. / Cohesion building of multiethnic societies, 10th-21th – (PL – Prof. Przemysław Wiszewski)
2014-2018 - Polska i Pomorze w kształtowaniu cywilizacji europejskiej (od słowiańskich plemion do przełomu XII/XIII w.) Poland and Pomerania as factors of building of the European civilisation (from slavic tribes till 12-13c.) – (PL - prof. Stanisław Rosik)
2014-2018 - Dobrostan społeczny i biologiczny dzieci wrocławskich w okresie od średniowiecza do czasów wczesnonowożytnych (Social and biological welfare of the children of Wroclaw in the period from Middle Ages till Early Modern time (PL – prof. Mateusz Goliński)
B. Supervision of archaeological field research:
1995-2001 – Excavations of the medieval town – Wrocław, Poland
1996 – Excavations of the medieval settlement – Wrocław-Leśnica
1998 – Excavations of the medieval castle Wrocław-Mokra
1998-2001 - Excavations of the medieval town – Milicz, Poland
1985-2003 - Excavations of the early medieval stronghold Bytom Odrzański, Poland
1999-2003 - Excavations of the medieval town – Bytom Odrzański, Poland
2007-2010 - Excavations of the early medieval stronghold, settlement and cemetery in Ryczyn, Poland
2009-2010 - Excavations of the early medieval stronghold Opole-Ostrówek, Poland
Teaching Experience
1999-present I have been teaching in University of Opole in Opole:
- introductory courses of Polish and world prehistory for undergraduate history students;
- courses in early medieval history and archaeology of Poland and Central Europe;
- seminars for students at the MA level:
- seminar for doctoral students
Membership in Advisory Bodies
A. Advisory committees at international level:
2008-present - Member of the Kommission zur Erforschung von Sammlungen Archäologischer Funde und Unterlagen aus dem nordöstlichen Mitteleuropa (Berlin Germany)
B. National expert boards:
2011-2013 Member of the panel for grant applications, National Science Centre, Poland.
C. Appointments to advisory bodies in Poland:
2009-present Member of the Committee for the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences established by the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
Organisation of international conferences:
1990 - „Od plemienia do państwa. Śląsk na tle wczesnośredniowiecznej Europy Zachodniej” (Wrocław; published in 1991).
1992 - „ Lokalne ośrodki władzy państwowej w XI-XII wieku” (Bytom Odrzański; published in 1993);
1993 - „ Mensch und Umwelt im Odergebiet in ur- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeit, Bytom Odrzański” (Bytom Odrzański; published in 1994);
1995 - Miejsca centralne w Europie Środkowej w pradziejach i wczesnym średniowieczu - (Bytom Odrzański; published in 1999);
1997 - Centrum i zaplecze. Środowisko społeczno-gospodarcze wczesnośredniowiecznych ośrodków jako przyczyna i rezultat ich funkcjonowania (Bytom Odrzański; published in 1999);
2004 - Stare i nowe w średniowieczu. Pomiędzy innowacją, a tradycją (Bytom Odrzański; published in 2009);
2005 - Mittelalter. Eines oder viele? (Wrocław; published in 2010);
2010 - Violence or consensus? Forms of national bonds in medieval Europe (Wrocław; published in 2013)
Presentations at international conferences:
Original papers read at 75 conferences in: Austria (Vienna), Czech Republic (Praha x 5; Brno x 2, Decin, Zatec, Mikulcice x 2, Kutna Hora), Germany (Berlin x 3, Lebus x 4, Leipzig x 3, Gorlitz, Frankfurt am Oder, Greifswald, Leipzig x 3, Munster), Slovakia (Nitra), Sweden (Adelso), USA (Kalamazoo), Great Britain (York) and in Poland. Most of those papers were published in the post-conference volumes.
Editorial activity:
5 edited and 9 co-edited multi-author volumes (all marked by Italics on the list of publications).
Membership in editorial boards:
1990-present - „Przegląd Archeologiczny” (Wrocław, Poland).
2013-present - “Archeologické rozhledy” (Prague, Czech Republic)
2013- present - „Interdiscipinary Medieval Studies” series, published by the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology PAS and Institute of History of University Wrocław
Invited lectures:
Prague, Brno (Czech Republic), Leipzig, Munster, Berlin (Germany), Vienna (Austria)
Memberships in professional associations
2012 – present - Stały Komitet Mediewistów Polskich [Standing Committee of Polish Medievists];
1987 – award of Brzeski-Foundation /Poland) for the book „Organizacja gospodarcza państwa wczesnopiastowskiego na Śląsku. Studium archeologiczne”. (The economic organisation of the Early Piast State in Silesia. An archaeological study)
2004 – Werner-Coblenz-Award for the book “ Castrum munitissimum Bytom. Lokalny ośrodek władzy w państwie wczesnopiastowskim” (eng. Castrum munitissimum Bytom. The local power center of the Early Piast State”) – Dresden, Germany
2008 - title of Honorary Citizen of the city Bytom Odrzański (Silesia - Poland)
2011 – Srebrny Krzyż Zasługi [Silver Cross of Merit] conferred by the President of the Republic Poland;
2014 – Złoty Krzyż Zasługi (Golden Cross of Merit) conferred by the President of the Republic Poland;