Promotion of archaeology and cultural heritage




In the last decade, archaeology ceased to be exclusively the domain of scien-tists and museum staff, becoming increasingly an integral part of social and econo-mic life in Poland. Archaeological and cultural heritage came to be perceived as an asset and a factor creating the regional identity of local communities. A manifesta-tion of this phenomenon is the emergence of numerous archaeological reserves and open-air museums, the building of replicas of medieval boats and hundreds of events organized each year in the field of so-called 'living archaeology', in the form of fe-stivals of Slavic, Scandinavian and Gothic cultures, medieval tournaments, cr-aftsmen's workshops and experimental archaeology, festivals of old music, theatres recreating ancient rituals as well as the re-enactments of historical battles and events. All of these actions significantly promote regions, increase their attractiveness for tourists and affect the development of culture and the economy.

Together with the Polish accession to the European Union, the archaeological and cultural heritage also began to be used as a main theme of international educa-tional programmes, implemented by twining towns and villages that contribute in a significant way to the exploration of the past of their own region as well as of other nations of the EU.

Other areas that involve archaeological and cultural heritage are the Sectoral Operational Programmes of Regional Development and the urban regeneration pro-jects that are carried out under their auspices. Their goal is the regions' promotion, recreating the former historical landscape and creating new economic structures, using inactive spheres of local economic potential.

On the other hand, however, mismanagement and uncontrolled actions resul-ting from a lack of adequate expertise can lead to the distortion of the image of the past and constitute a threat to our heritage and identity.

The region of Lower Silesia with its archaeological and cultural values has unique development potential on a European scale. Its use, however, requires the creation of local professional expertise resources that would be able to perceive the archaeological, historical and cultural advantages of their 'little homelands', interpret them properly and, based on them, create professional investment projects, in a prac-tical way to introduce them to social and economic circulation and widely promote them in the media.

The aim of the studies is to provide students with a knowledge base in the field of archaeological, historical and cultural heritage based on the example of Lo-wer Silesia. It also aims to teach them the scientific basics of creating archaeological reserves, the construction of open-air museums and the revitalization of historic buil-dings and structures. Students will also learn the minute of organizing cultural mass events, how to create and conduct European promotional projects and learn about practical promotion in the media (in both press and television).

Classes include lectures designed to provide the theoretical basis of the afo-rementioned projects as well as examples of their practical implementation based on experience gained in Poland and the European Union.

The studies are addressed to local, communes and districts, government offi-cers (officers from the departments of promotion, investment, planning), civil se-rvants, employees of institutions dealing with the protection of cultural heritage, mu-seum staff, cultural officers, members of cultural associations, owners and managers of historical buildings and all those interested in the problems of promoting archae-ology and cultural heritage.

The studies may provide a good base for activities promoting archaeological and cultural heritage in any region of Poland.

Primary objectives of the studies:

The goal of the studies is to provide the participants with knowledge and skills allowing them to improve their qualifications in the field of the promotion of archaeology and cultural heritage.

The studies are addressed to local, communes and districts, government offi-cers (officers from the departments of promotion, investment, planning), civil se-rvants, employees of institutions dealing with the protection of cultural heritage, mu-seum staff, cultural officers, members of cultural associations, owners and managers of historical buildings and all those interested in the problems of promoting archae-ology and cultural heritage.

The study programme includes the three following blocks:

I. The archaeological cultural heritage of Lower Silesia
This block includes classes designed to provide knowledge that allows for the recognition of the archaeological and cultural landscape values of Lower Silesia. This block contains:
- issues of the archaeology of Lower Silesia in a comparative context
- history of Lower Silesia
- history of arts of Lower Silesia
- architecture of Lower Silesia
- environment of Lower Silesia as part of the cultural landscape
- non-invasive methods in archaeological and architectural research
- archaeological rescue excavations

II. Forms of promotion of archaeology and cultural heritage
This block includes classes concerning the ways of promoting archaeologi-cal, historical and cultural heritage (e.g. construction of archaeological reserves and open-air museums, organization of educational outdoor events, educational pro-grammes and the development of principles of regeneration programmes), contempo-rary funding mechanisms and the legal framework. This block comprises:
- promotion of archaeological heritage
- archaeology in social life
- promotion of history and cultural heritage
- legal protection of archaeological heritage

III. Promotion in the media
The purpose of this block is to provide the necessary knowledge to promote a given project in the media, which is the basis of its future social and economic suc-cess. This block as the following:
- skills for writing texts, methods of promoting archaeology and cultural he-ritage in the media, science journalism
- minute of film and television production
- production of an archaeological documentary film
- virtual reconstructions in archaeology

Diploma seminar
Each student's task will be:
- finding one element in the cultural landscape in their own commune
- providing an archaeological or historical study of it
- creating a concept of promotion project of this value
- creating a press text or film material promoting the given monument in the media

Description of qualifications obtained after graduation:
Student will possess knowledge and skills in following fields:
- recognition of archaeological and cultural landscape values in the Lower Silesian region
- creation of concepts of archaeological and cultural heritage promotion pro-jects
- practical implementation of such projects
- promotion of the projects in the media

Conditions of graduation:
Confirmation of gaining knowledge and skills on subjects taught during the studies (credit or mark). Preparation of an essay on a selected subject for the promo-tion of archaeology and cultural heritage.

Dates of commencement and completion of studies
March 2013 - February 2014

Classes will be held over two semesters
Every 2nd and 4th weekend of the month (Saturday and Sunday)
9.00 to 16.00 at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław Section, ul. Więzienna 6 (5 minutes walk from the Market Square).

Total number of teaching hours for one participant - 264
a) number of hours of theoretical classes (lectures, seminars) – 230
b) number of hours of practical classes (tutorials) - 22
c) diploma seminar - 12
d) workshops - 16 (2 x 8 hours)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology
of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology
of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Centre for Late Antique and Early Medieval Studies
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology
of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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